Group 25 Club Projects: Twenty Years

1988: Birds of a Feather

1987: Monte Carlo Night
1988: Birds of a Feather
1989: The 1966 Chevy Nova
1990: The 1955 Chevrolet
1991: The 1971 Hemi Cuda
1992: The 1970 Corvette LT-1
1993 The Ford F150 Pickup
1994: The Little Red Wagon
1995: The 1966 Volkswagen
1996: The 1969 Dodge Dart
1997: The 1932 Ford
1998: The 1953 Ford
1999: The 1962 Pontiac SD421
2000: The 1941 Chevy Pickup
2001: The 1967 Dodge Charger
2002: The 1968 Firebird
2003: The OPP Decal Sheet
2004: The 1940 Ford
2005: The 1969 Corvair
2006: The 2006 Mustang


Well, the second year of “club projects” was a bit mixed up.  The theme was “Birds”, meaning Thunderbirds, Superbirds or Screaming Chickens (Firebird Trans Ams to those of you too young to remember the continuous tradeoff in the 1970-80s between macho decal size on the hood and breathless content beneath). 


I picked the Monogram 1958 Thunderbird (#2759) and in fact built up two at once. The idea was that I’d make all the mistakes on one and the other would be perfect.  If memory serves me, there were only three or four completed projects, most notable being Les Smirle’s beater Superbird with the correct (black) primer showing beneath its chipped paint. 


First for me on both of these models was paint – custom mixed into PPG white lacquer base to match real colour chips.  Turns out the Seaspray Green was an also exact match to the sink and tub in my  house. The perfect touch-ups have also lasted eighteen years.   Who says model-building skills don’t transfer to real life?   Photo-etch was just about brand new that year, and the better bird has a “Putty Thrower” (Mark Gustavson) grille.  Yes, those are VIJOMA 1958 Ontario Laser Plates,  marketed by a very young Randy Frost - another of those aftermarket products that was very cool for the time.



