Group 25 Club Projects: Twenty Years

2003: The OPP Decal Sheet

1987: Monte Carlo Night
1988: Birds of a Feather
1989: The 1966 Chevy Nova
1990: The 1955 Chevrolet
1991: The 1971 Hemi Cuda
1992: The 1970 Corvette LT-1
1993 The Ford F150 Pickup
1994: The Little Red Wagon
1995: The 1966 Volkswagen
1996: The 1969 Dodge Dart
1997: The 1932 Ford
1998: The 1953 Ford
1999: The 1962 Pontiac SD421
2000: The 1941 Chevy Pickup
2001: The 1967 Dodge Charger
2002: The 1968 Firebird
2003: The OPP Decal Sheet
2004: The 1940 Ford
2005: The 1969 Corvair
2006: The 2006 Mustang


The idea of having a common element other than the kit – a can of paint or decal sheet – had been discussed annually in the kit selection process, but was usually voted down, along with motorcycles.


The development of a nice set of aftermarket OPP decals finally got everyone excited in early 2003. The photos of the results show a diverse group of models, including my conversion of a 2022 Mercedes mini-van from Men-in-Black tuner version back to “stock”.  Officer Smith wears OPP badging, and the doors slide open to expose the cell-phone incapacitation-ray generators.
