Group 25 Club Projects: Twenty Years

1987: Monte Carlo Night

1987: Monte Carlo Night
1988: Birds of a Feather
1989: The 1966 Chevy Nova
1990: The 1955 Chevrolet
1991: The 1971 Hemi Cuda
1992: The 1970 Corvette LT-1
1993 The Ford F150 Pickup
1994: The Little Red Wagon
1995: The 1966 Volkswagen
1996: The 1969 Dodge Dart
1997: The 1932 Ford
1998: The 1953 Ford
1999: The 1962 Pontiac SD421
2000: The 1941 Chevy Pickup
2001: The 1967 Dodge Charger
2002: The 1968 Firebird
2003: The OPP Decal Sheet
2004: The 1940 Ford
2005: The 1969 Corvair
2006: The 2006 Mustang


The first “common kit” build-up for Group 25 was based for most members on the 1986 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS (#2731).  This was an exciting new release for the time.


 I was compelled to convert mine into a Nomad, complete with stock-like badging (NOMAD, 5.7L EFI) made by using a high-tech “laser printer”, overhead transparency film, translucent red paint backed by silver. 


For you computer geeks, this printer was the first that could be programmed in “PostScript”, a then-brand-new reverse-Polish notation computer language that still lurks in the heart of Adobe.  Quite a few other firsts for me on this model – painted sandpaper made perfect grey carpet, 30-gauge wire for the antenna (long since evaporated), metal spoiler for correct scale thickness (also long gone), polished smoked acetate windows, custom licence plate.  This wagon, usually paired with Les Smirle’s white convertible, graced many Hobby Show displays, leading to a thick coating of sawdust and edible oil.

